Restaurants for Sale Wellington City

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Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand and is the second most populous urban region in NZ. It comprises of 4 cities: Wellington City, Porirua, Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt.

Central to New Zealand, the greater Wellington Region has a population of over 500,000 and supports around 60,000 small businesses. Most popular are businesses in industries that produce manufactured and other processed goods, and high-value services in the professional, scientific and technical services sector. There is also a large number of rental, hiring and real estate services businesses, construction services, information media and telecommunications businesses. There are plenty of opportunities when it comes to buying a Wellington business.

Wellington has a lot to offer small business owners. Wellington continues to grow, and contributes 13.5 per cent to New Zealand's economy. It has a highly educated pool of talented people and is well supported by government initiatives.

Being New Zealand's capital city, Wellington is home to many government departments. This creates an ideal hub for businesses which need easy access to key government contacts and contracts. This results in many large businesses having their head offices in Wellington City.

Wellington also has a great innovative business culture. It's a compact cosmopolitan city, with a strong arts and cultural base, with plenty of great cafes, bars and innovation hubs to connect with like-minded people. No wonder Wellington has been labelled the world's 'coolest little capital' by Lonely Planet.

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